Starting poultry farming, here are tips to consider.

Starting poultry farming, here are tips to consider.
Poultry farming

Starting a poultry farming can be challenging, especially for beginners. This is due to a lack of necessary knowledge in areas such as disease prevention, housing, management, and capital requirements. Poultry farming requires a high level of expertise, understanding, and commitment. Therefore, before starting a poultry farm, it is crucial to have a few details in mind.

First, a good house is required when Starting poultry farming.

If you’re planning to establish a chicken coop on your farm, it’s essential to consider the infrastructure aspect. Creating a healthy and thriving poultry environment that produces quality eggs and meat requires;

  1. Well-ventilated.
  2. Fully insulated.
  3. Clean room with adequate lighting. The housing design should ensure that the birds are protected from harsh weather conditions, including cold, extreme heat, sunburn, and predators.

For layer system production, it’s recommended to design a spacious coop that accommodates all birds without overcrowding them. Each bird needs about 3 to 4 square meters of space in indoor poultry to produce normally. Overcrowding can lead to several issues, including poor air circulation and the spread of diseases that negatively impact production. Whether indoor or outdoor production, installing fans and lamps in the poultry coop is vital. Extreme temperatures, either too high or too low, can reduce the production rate of poultry, such as slowing down the rate of egg production.

secondly, the right breeds are crucial when Starting poultry farming.

When starting a poultry farming business, farmers have the option to choose between day-old chicks or 6-month-old chickens. However, it is recommended that beginners with little experience in poultry production start with 4 to 5-month-old chickens. This is due to the challenges involved in handling and managing newborn chicks. It is important to keep in mind that selecting the right breed is crucial for the success of the enterprise.

With genetic advancements in the poultry industry, farmers can now choose breeds based on their adaptability to specific locations. Therefore, farmers should conduct thorough research in their area to learn from other poultry farmers. This helps them identify the best breed for their enterprise. In conclusion, many enterprises for chick production have come today. Farmers should get their chicks from a credited supplier.

Thirdly, Biosecurity is required when Starting poultry farming

Biosecurity is of utmost importance when it comes to poultry farming. Diseases that affect poultry are highly contagious and can spread rapidly from one farm to another. Avian flu is just one example of such a disease. In order to prevent the spread of diseases, farmers must implement strict biosecurity measures on their farms. This includes preventing the entry of disease-carrying agents such as pests, predators, and humans.

If you are introducing a new flock, it is important to keep them separated from the existing flock until they have been thoroughly checked and vaccinated to prevent the spread of any infections. Additionally, it is important to introduce disinfection protocols such as foot baths and quarantine for the new birds. Finally, restrict visitors from entering the poultry area to further reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Cost of the investment.

A thorough research on the cost of investment will help farmers determine the size of the enterprise to establish with current capital in hand. Farmers should have all the information on the cost involved in the construction of poultry. This includes houses, the equipment needed, the costs of feeding, and the cost of vaccinating the chickens. Finally, farmers should consider the cost of buying young chicks. Farmers should also know the miscellaneous capital involved in the production.

Feeds and nutrition.

Poultry feeds take up to 70% of the total production cost. Therefore, this is a crucial factor every farmer thinking of starting poultry farming should consider. Whether you are mixing your feeds, or buying ready mixed feed, always ensure your poultry gets a well-balanced diet. Farmers should identify a credible and reliable supplier, and have a good track record of supplying feeds to well-established farmers or farms. In addition to feeds, poultry requires an adequate supply of clean water all the time for the good health of your birds. Chickens consume a lot of water as their feeds are dry.

Healthy management.

When it comes to raising chickens, healthy management is crucial, especially in the wake of disease outbreaks. Farmers must regularly check their chickens’ health to identify any sick birds and isolate them from the rest of the flock to prevent further spread of the disease. Regular checking can also help identify malnutrition in the flock. To ensure that your poultry is healthy, it is advisable to contact a nearby local government veterinarian who can perform regular check-ups on your birds. Additionally, farmers should follow all the vaccination protocols for their poultry to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain the overall health of their flock.

Record keeping

Record keeping is an essential aspect of poultry farming. It is crucial to keep track of all records starting from the day the chickens were brought in, including the breed of the chickens, feeds, and disease outbreaks, number of birds, growth rates, and production parameters such as the number of eggs laid. Keeping track of these records helps to identify individual chickens quickly if needed. Moreover, it helps farmers make informed decisions and monitor trends and patterns in the progress of their flocks.


When planning to sell poultry products like eggs or meat, it is important to conduct thorough market research to identify potential customers and understand their requirements. Established organizations such as hospitals, schools, and government institutions can be excellent markets for such products. It is also crucial to understand the market flow, including whether the sales will be direct to final customers or through intermediaries. This knowledge helps farmers to make informed decisions and comply with government regulations regarding the sale of poultry products. No matter how successful a poultry production project may be, understanding the market is the most crucial factor to consider before starting the business.

To sum up, starting poultry farming demands a great deal of hard work, commitment, and a constant thirst for knowledge. In addation, farmers must keep themselves abreast of the latest trends in the industry. They should adopt the best production practices, stay updated on technological advancements, and be aware of market trends. Lastly, it is imperative that farmers attend conferences and workshops to interact with experienced farmers and enhance their know-how of the field.



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