Jackfruit Production Techniques

jack fruit

Jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) 

Jack fruit is a tropical climacteric fruit, belonging to the Moraceae family. The plant is native to the Western Ghats of India and common in Asia, Africa, and some regions in South America. It is known to be the largest edible fruit in the world, weighing about 18 Kg. Jack fruit is rich in nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Both the seeds and the flesh of jack fruit are consumed in curries and boiled forms, while the flesh in a fully ripened stage can be eaten directly as a fruit or in processed food products such as jam, jellies, marmalade, and ice creams. 

The several parts of the jack tree, including fruits, leaves, and barks have been extensively used in traditional medicine due to its ant-carcinogenic, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and hypoglycemic effects. Despite all these benefits, unfortunately, the fruit is underutilized in commercial-scale processing in regions where it is grown. According to Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (Kalro), about 65 percent of jack fruits in Kenya are found in Busia County. 

Health benefits associated with jack fruit.

1. Improves Immunity 

Jackfruit contains a high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants, which helps boost your immune system and make it stronger when fighting an infection. Get more information on antioxidant-rich foods.

2. Replenishes Energy 

A 100gm serving of jackfruit contains 94 Kcal and is loaded with good carbohydrates. It instantly gives you an energy boost upon consumption. The sugars in jackfruit are very easy to digest and are really healthy for our bodies.

3. Helps Improve Vision 

According to studies, jackfruit contains many nutrients that support eye health and are essential for vision, including beta-carotene. Also, beta-carotene gets converted into Vitamin A.

4. Jackfruit Cures Anaemia 

Jackfruit contains essential vitamins and minerals that are good for the production of blood, such as vitamins A, C, and E, in addition to copper, manganese, and magnesium.

5. Prevents Diabetes 

Jackfruit is healthy for people with diabetes because it contains substances that reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, clinical trials found that people with diabetes given jackfruit extracts had improved glucose tolerance, and in-vivo studies discovered that chemicals in jackfruit leaves prevent diabetic complications. 

6. Enhance Sexual Pleasure 

Certain sources state that the iron in the seeds can stimulate sexual pleasure. In fact, jackfruit seeds have been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat sexual disorders. The seeds can be roasted like chestnuts and are considered an aphrodisiac by some experts.

7. Skin Care

With a healthy dose of antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, this fruit can be very beneficial for skin health, as it can minimize the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress, which can include wrinkles, blemishes, and age spots, while also giving your skin a healthy glow. 

8. Reduces Blood Pressure

There is a notable amount of potassium found in jackfruit, and a 100-gram serving can provide more than 5% of your daily recommended intake of this mineral. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it can relax blood vessels and arteries, which will reduce blood pressure and generally lower the stress on the cardiovascular system, lowering your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. 

Jackfruit Nutrition Facts

Jackfruit contains significant levels of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and various B vitamins, along with good amounts of iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. As for antioxidants, there are several strong compounds like lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. Above all, jackfruit contains a significant amount of protein, making it an important source of sustenance in some parts of the world. It is also high in calories, rich in water (about 80%), and extremely low in fat. Jack fruit seeds are also rich in protein, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a secondary source of nutrients for those who grow and eat the fruit.

Ecological requirements for growing jack fruits in Kenya.


Jackfruit is adapted to humid tropical lowlands at altitudes 0-1200m asl.


The tree requires evenly distributed rainfall of 850 -1500mm. It does not tolerate frequent drought.


The jackfruit flourishes in rich, deep, well-drained soil of medium or open texture. Planting on top of an old compost heap would be ideal. The tree does not tolerate water logging. Jackfruit thrives on deep, sandy, loam to clay soils with good drainage and medium fertility. Because of the quick depletion of soil nutrients by plants, soil fertility should be taken into account. Although jackfruit can be cultivated in a range of soils, it thrives in a rich, deep, alluvial, and well-drained environment. The ideal pH of the soil for jackfruit ranges from five to 6.5.


Jackfruit requires a warm and humid climate, full sun, and temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Varieties of Jack fruit 

Several types of jackfruit are grown in Kenya, however, the most important are orange, white, and yellow flesh.

 • Orange variety has thick flesh, small seed, and good eating quality

• Yellow variety has thinner flesh, a stronger aroma, and a sweeter taste.

Propagation of Jack Fruit 

Jackfruit is generally propagated by seed or asexually. Seed growers should select healthy, vigorous, disease-free seeds from productive mother trees. Asexual propagation may be through cuttings or grafting. 

Among the grafting methods, cleft grafting seems to be the most efficient as it is able to counter the devastating effects of a typhoon that usually destroys large trees. A cleft-grafted tree is high in genetic quality and grows short but strong in stature. The branches tend to extend laterally. Among the grafting methods, cleft grafting appears to be the most effective.


Put the seeds in boxes or potting bags. Clean the field at least one year before planting the seedlings on a permanent site. A couple of weeks before planting, dig holes about 60 cm to 80 cm in diameter and 40 cm to 50 cm deep. At planting, fill the holes with topsoil and backyard manure. Use the subsoil to make a basin for water harvesting. 

Before transplanting, trim two-thirds of the leaves of the plants. Cut leafy branches to prevent excessive moisture loss and take special care when transplanting because the jackfruit has a delicate root system. Also, planting distance should be no less than 10 to 12 meters between trees (10m by 12m).


The tree is susceptible to drought, so irrigation during dry periods is considered essential in arid areas for normal plant growth. Generally, a circular irrigation system should be adopted to irrigate fruit trees because it also saves water use. For young orchards, manual watering is necessary for the first 2-3 years. How often irrigation takes place depends on the condition of the soil.


Apply yard manure or compost at the rate of 3 kg per plant or 2 metric tons per hectare. A month after planting, apply 100-150 g of ammonium sulfate to each tree. After six months, apply an equal amount of 100-150g of ammonium sulfate late in the rainy season. When the trees begin to bear fruit and at the beginning of the rainy season, apply ½kg-2 kg of complete manure and 200g-300 g of muriate or potash (0-0-60) per tree. Every six months thereafter, apply complete fertilizer at the rate of 1 ½ kg -3 kg per tree.

Maturity and Harvesting

The fruit matures in about 180 to 270 days after flowering.

Upon ripening, the fruit color changes from green to pale green.

A dull, hollow sound is produced when the fruit is tapped by the finger.

Fruit spinel becomes well-developed and wide-spaced.

The last leaf of the peduncle yellows.

An aromatic odor develops.

The spines yield moderate pressure.

Harvesting of Jackfruit [Steps]:

1. If the fruit is within reach, it can be cut with a sickle or twisted until it snaps off. In tall trees, a sack is placed on the fruit with a rope tied on the peduncle.

2. After cutting, the fruit is gradually lowered to the ground.

3. It is laid on its peduncle against the railing for some time to allow the latex to flow and coagulate.

4. The average tree will optimally bear 100 to 200 fruits per year. Fruit weighs up to 5.7 to 30kg and yields 50-80 tons per hectare annually.

jack fruit production

The Market for Jack Fruits

Jackfruit production is largely done in the western region and the coast. One jack fruits costs up to 300 Ksh and one tree can produce over 300 fruits annually. So within one year a farmer can make around Ksh. 450,000, according to Kenya agriculture research and livestock institute KARLO.

The growing consumption of fruits as an alternative to meat products leads to the bettering world market price of jackfruit fruit because of the similar texture of some meat products. The rising awareness of the health benefits of fruit jacks that drive market demand.

Pests and Diseases

Insect Pests

Shoot and fruit borer: Glyphodes caesalis (Walker), (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Spittle bugs: Cosmocarta relata (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)

Mealybug: Drosicha mangiferae (Stebbins) (Hemiptera: Margarodidae)

Bud weevil: Ochyromera artocarpi (Marshall) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Bark eating caterpillar: Indarbela tetragonal (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

Aphid: Greenidea artocarpi (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Leaf webber: Glyphodes bivitralis (Gueneé) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)


Soft rot or fruit rot: Rhizopus artocarpi (Racib).

Dieback: Botryodiplodia theobromae (Pat).

Leaf spot: Phyllosticta artocarpina (Speg).

Pink disease: Botryobasidium salmoncolor (Berk. & Broome) & Corticium salmonicolor (Berk & Broome)

Opportunities and Challenges

The growing awareness of the medicinal properties of jackfruit will open new opportunities for jack fruits farming. Jack fruit prevents cellular lesions, improves eye health, and reduces the risk of a variety of chronic diseases. Increased investment in pharmaceuticals during the forecast period will propel the inclusion of jackfruit in pharmaceuticals in the coming years.

Additionally, the growing geriatric population and associated risks of chronic diseases are likely to augment the market growth in the forecast period. However, the short shelf life of fresh jackfruit causes problems in the growing of the market.

Try jack fruit farming and enjoy multiple health benefits, in addition to having a source of income generation.







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